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In-Service Curriculum Launch, Hotel Africana

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Uganda Landcare Network (ULN) in collaboration with the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) Balassa Agricultural College (BAC), Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS), Farmers Media and Local Government Authorities across the country. 

Introduction Towards introducing a practical SLM package to adequately equip 500 extensionists annually on the current global threats of Climate Change (CC) and strategies to ensure food security and increased incomes to farming households. And further popularizing online digital based national SLM database   UGACAT linked to recommended UNCCD the Global SLM database. wide use and application as well as a climate smart training package including Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Trainers of Trainers (TOT) manual targeting grassroots communities.

Objectives of the launch were to; (1) Introduce a new product (SLM short course) to the public (2) build awareness and credibility for the new product also the mandates of promoters and (3) Create immediate demand for the product. The Launch was attended by 25 participants; 18 males and 7 female’s stakeholders representing different institutions and partner organizations such as ; Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) , National Agricultural Research Organization  (NARO) , Farmers Media AND National Televisions (NTV’s) , Uganda  Forum for Agriculture and Advisory Services (UFAAS) ,Uganda Landcare Network(ULN),  Farmers media and Bukalasa Agricultural College (BAC) with close to 20 participants online moderated by Mr. Grace Musimami HE Vincent Bamulangaki Ssempijja, Minister for Agriculture, Animal Industry, Fisheries, Uganda, launched the ‘SLM Collection from Northern Uganda and beyond’ on 20 July 2020 during an official event that took place during the Uganda Forum for Agriculture Advisory Services (UFAAS) national extension e-symposium 2020.