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Training Workshops On Participatory Multi Stakeholder Workshops

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The training on participatory multi-stakeholder workshops for Decision Support in Sustainable Land Management (SLM) was held from 25th June – 5th July 2018.   The workshop was jointly organized by Uganda Landcare Network (ULN) with technical backstopping of the Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern. The workshop was attended by 243 (108 females & 135 Males) participants representing extension workers, researchers, academia and ULN Field staff supported by the project. The participants were drawn from mainly from the Scaling SLM project sites from nine districts of Gulu, Nwoya, Kitgum, Adjumani, Padre, Omoro, Lamwo, Amuru and Agago.

The goal of the workshop was to learn and contextualize the Decision Support methodology used in identification and selection of SLM Technologies and Approaches to be implemented in demo plots and scaled up among smallholder farmers.  The Training Workshop covered the exercises outlined in the draft guidelines with the aim of equipping the trainers with the content and methodology for selecting promising technologies using a Decision support tool. The workshop employed several methodologies which included: – plenary sessions with simulation exercises for hands-on practice, self-reflections, group discussion. Evaluation was used during the training and workshop in order to assess the progress of participants’ learning as well as ensure that the workshop meets the participants’ learning needs.