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UGACAT Updates

Uganda Landcare Network (ULN) participating actively in the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

Programme UNCCD-WOCAT Launch event Restoring Life to the Land The Role of Sustainable Land Management in Ecosystem Restoration Date and time: Jun 1, 2021 11:00 AM (CET: Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna) Part of the official programme for the UN decade on Ecosystem Restauration (UNDER) June 1st to June 5th Official programme link: Duration: 45 minutes Speakers and

Lighting up a million smiles

Team Leader of the Uganda Landcare Network (ULN) Dr Joy Tukhawira and Mr Mathias Wakulira talk to Senior EverGreening Fellow, Dr Alan Channer, about evergreening in Uganda. Groups of children wend their way through coffee and banana fields, their banter mingling with cock crows as the sun rises. And when they reach school, they lift

In-Service Curriculum Launch, Hotel Africana

Uganda Landcare Network (ULN) in collaboration with the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) Balassa Agricultural College (BAC), Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS), Farmers Media and Local Government Authorities across the country.  Introduction Towards introducing a practical SLM